Our Services
Dr. Arlene G. Krieger is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Licensed Mental Health Counselor and a Board Certified Clinical Sexologist. Why Relationship Therapy? You only need to want a difference in your life. All transitions, all events, in marriage and relationships, involve moving forward through life and the process of living together through thick and thin. Change forces us to discover sides of ourselves that are new or unknown. While it can be uncomfortable, it can also be an exciting new beginning. Relationship counseling is meant to offer a therapeutic environment in which these aspects of transition can lead toward a better understanding of yourself and your partner. Dr. Krieger offers Individual, Child and Adolescent, Family, Relationship and Marriage Counseling.
Sex Therapy
Sex Therapy focuses on sexual concerns or issues. It is a unique and specialized form of professional counseling designed to help women and men address their concerns about sexuality, sexual function, and sexual expression.
Individual Counseling
Individual counseling provides an opportunity for you to openly talk about your thoughts and feelings in a safe environment.
Marriage and Family Therapy
Family dynamics can often be challenging, whether you have a traditional or non-traditional family, we can help.
Child and Adolescent Counseling
Child and Adolescent counseling provides an opportunity for children and adolescents to openly talk about their thoughts and feelings in a safe environment.
Marriage & Family Therapist-Board Certified Clinical Sexologist

Providing a full range of psychotherapeutic services for individuals, couples and families. In addition to individual and marital therapies, Dr. Arlene Krieger, PhD. - is a Board Certified Clinical Sexologist, specializing in areas including but not limited to intimacy, sexuality and relationship.
Dr. Krieger is interactive in a post-modern talk therapy model. Trained at Nova Southeastern University in a Non-Pathologizing concept, there is No Freudian couch here. Meaning that you are not diagnosed with a DSM-V code as this concept involves the labeling of your issues and submitting a diagnosis to the insurance companies, therefore existing on your health records. As this is a private, specialty practice, we are no longer participating with the Insurance providers.
Dr. Krieger helps you to help yourself - understanding that you are not your issues. Our mental health involves both the issues of life, your surrounding environment , and the problems that enter your life as a whole. Highly skilled in this therapeutic process for the past twenty-two years, Dr. Krieger works with the individuals or couples encouraging them to openly express themselves. TRUST is one of the cornerstones of a long-lasting relationship, whether within your partnership, marriage, and or relationship with your family and children. If you are feeling like there are a few areas where you and your partner aren't quite on the same wavelength, perhaps its time to explore why that is.
Dr. Arlene Krieger is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Sexology. She is Nationally recognized as an expert in the fields of Relationship, individual and Couples issues. Her broad presence over the past twenty-two years in both Private practice, Hospital and Professional Clinical settings, including Social Media, and Educational websites, lends itself to her interactive methodology.
Facebook: DrArleneKrieger
Twitter: @AskDrArlene
Instagram: @letztalksex
Linkedin: Arlene Krieger
Podcast SEX: from the couch available at Soundcloud and apple.com sexfromthecouch.com
Ph.D. in Clinical Sexology
Mental Health Counselor MH7894
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist MT2094
Diplomat of The American Board of Sexology
How to meet
There are many ways to get therapy with Dr. Krieger. Please chose from the convenient options below.

In Office Session

Telephone Session