Dr. Arlene G. Krieger, Ph.D., LMFT, CST
Marriage & Family Therapist – Board Certified Clinical Sexologist

In a comfortable and safe environment, I provide a full range of psychotherapeutic services for individuals, couples and families. In addition to individual and marital and family therapy, I am a Board certified Clinical Sexologist specializing in areas including but not limited to intimacy, sexuality, and relationship.
Dr. Arlene Krieger is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Sexology. As a Clinician, Author, and Public Speaker, she is Nationally recognized as an expert in the fields of Relationship, Intimacy, and Sexuality issues. Her broad presence and experience over the past Twenty years in both Private Practice, Clinical settings, and Social Media, lends itself to her interactive methodology in working with her patients. This includes her current and upcoming books, Podcast, currently published, SEX: from the Couch -Short Stories of Love, and LIfe.-pub. 2022, and Educational websites.,
Also Visit:
Facebook: DrArleneKrieger
Twitter: @AskDrArlene
Instagram: @letztalksex & @thedrisinsession
Linkedin: Arlene Krieger
Podcast SEX: from the couch available at Soundcloud and apple.com sexfromthecouch.com
Licenses / Certification:
- Ph.D. in Clinical Sexology
- Mental Health Counselor MH7894
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist MT2094
- Diplomat of The American Board of Sexology
- Board Certified Clinical Sexologist No. 2737
Specialty Areas of Expertise and Clinical Experience:
Dr. Krieger is a licensed marriage and family therapist with an extensive background working with adolescents and family dynamics. Her Ph.D is in Clinical Sexology and Human Sexuality. She specializes in issues of family, relationship, intimacy, and sexuality.
Guardian Ad Litem – Juvenile Justice Center Dade County Court System Jackson Memorial Hospital – Acute Care Dual Diagnosis Center Expert Witness/Sexuality Cases – Palm Beach County
In Office Sessions
Dr. Krieger is available to meet with you in her office. Here in a safe and neutral environment, you can find the help you need to get the relationships you want and deserve. You can be seen for sessions individually or as a couple. Schedule your appointment today!

Therapy Sessions via Zoom

Dr. Krieger is available to meet with you via Zoom for convenient video and telephone sessions.
Many times you need to talk to someone in the moment and time of your concerns. Schedule your appointment today!